I'm really excited to be showing plein air paintings at Bocabar Bristol this May - July!
I have six paintings on show alongside work by Beth Luxton, Natalia Bo, Robyn Packham and Wilf Willis.
The paintings I am exhibiting were all (but one) painted in January during the Strada Easel Challenge, where I painted en plein air everyday for thirty days straight. The experience was really important for me, as it confirmed my belief in the importance of staying engaged with one's practice in order to unearth what it is that I find most inspiring...the nuances of which I would struggle to put into words exactly, but definitely tend to be concerned with colours, textures, shapes and mood.
I'd never been to Bocabar before delivering the work, it's a really lovely airy space, the kind that feels safer at a time where ventilation and social distancing is still something we need to think about when dining out! The pizzas smelt amazing so I will be back to sample! I'm really chuffed my quiet works painted in sleepy pockets of Taunton and Somerset are getting to show themselves in the very urban and energetic environs of Bristol. It's a nice contrast. Check it out!
All works are oil on board or canvas, and can also be viewed in the oil painting section of this website. For enquiries please contact me.
